Category: Dangers of Tobacco Smoking

tobacco chewing

Tobacco Chewing Effects to Your Teeth

Tobacco chewing has no smoke but its rich of harmful effects. It’s proven that smokeless tobacco use causes an oral health problem, cancer as well as nicotine addiction. Chewing tobacco is overall harmful to your oral health as well as overall health. In this article, I’ll cover the most common effects of tobacco chewing on Read More

Stop Chewing Tobacco

How to Quit Chewing Tobacco – Find Out How

In many ways quitting chewing tobacco is a lot like quitting cigarette smoking. They all include tobacco products that have nicotine and both also involve mental, physical and emotional aspects of addiction. The methods that involve mental aspects of quitting are basically the same. Oral intake of tobacco gives the user a stronger urge to Read More

short term effects tobacco

Short Term Effects of Smoking Tobacco

Smoking is a horrible addiction that affects millions of people in every walk of life. It doesn’t matter if you’re wealthy or poor, both the long term and short term effects of smoking will be a problem for the rest of your life. Most people already understand how divesting the long term effects of smoking Read More

are cigars bad for you

Top Reasons Why Cigars are Bad for You 

Most smokers view cigars as better and this is why they have gained popularity in the modern days. If you are planning to start smoking cigars, it’s advisable to understand the effects they can have in your body. Here are some of the major reasons why cigars are bad for you. Causes Lung Disease One of the major Read More

Smoking Gum Disease Tooth Loss

Smoking, Gum Disease and Tooth Loss

Tobacco contains a variety of toxins and chemicals that are damaging to our overall well-being. They can impair the body’s immune system and hamper it from fighting off infections and diseases. Gum disease is just one of the health problems that smoking can cause or aggravate and it has been reported that smokers are around five times more likely to suffer from the condition than nonsmokers.
If you living in Australia and you have some ample amount of budget, you’re in luck. You can visit this Tooth Implant Clinic in Sydney and score 10% off on your first visit. Read More

Tobacco Death Toll

Tobacco’s Death Toll

Tobacco smoking claims one life in every five deaths yearly. That makes it the deadliest killer in terms of lifestyle habits. Are wondering how bad it can be. Well, did you know that this habit affects almost every organ of a smoker’s body? This intense effect on the body results from the fact that tobacco Read More

Long Term Effects of Tobacco

The Long Term Effects of Tobacco On Your Body

Using tobacco may have long time effects. There are times that people might be under the myth that it is a safe alternative but that is not the case. The habit of chewing tobacco can be an extremely addictive habit that you get into once and you can be hooked. Even if you find out Read More

Tobacco Advertising

The Problems Associated With Tobacco Advertising

We live in the 21st century, and it is called the century of advertising. And this is true. Every man couldn’t imagine his life without an advert nowadays. We can watch it everywhere we go, there are different hoardings, mail shot and spam on the Internet, word of mouth, commercials, etc. So it can influence Read More

How Long Does Tobacco Stay

How Long Does Tobacco Stay in Your System?

It’s no secret – smoking kills. While most of the harmful effects of smoking can be attributed to the chemicals and tar that’s contained in tobacco smoke, the effects of nicotine should not be overlooked. Millions of people suffer from an addiction to cigarettes. Because of this, it’s easy to see why nicotine is considered Read More

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