Written by Diane Castillo on July 13, 2018
How to Fix Smokers Teeth
Dangers of Tobacco SmokingFollowing quite a while of smoking, your teeth are probably going to be recolored. You may have various holes not yet filled, and the gum disease with it. As the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) brings up, smokers will probably create gum infection than non-smokers. The following are tips on how to fix

Written by Diane Castillo on July 3, 2018
Skin Damage Caused By Smoking
Dangers of Tobacco SmokingSmoking is bad for skin and especially your face, whether it’s directly smoking or second hand smoke. It will make most people look older, and classic smokers face is not attractive. Quitting is great if you can do it, although you probably can not entirely reverse prior skin damage and other negative health consequences as well.